Clinics We Offer

NHS Health Check
If you are over 40 years old and have not had a health check in the last 5 years, please contact the Surgery on 01438 715044 to organise a Health Check. You will be asked to have blood tests done and then booked an appointment with our HCA for a face to face health check.
The community midwives work with the doctors to provide care for mothers during pregnancy and usually for two weeks after delivery.
Antenatal clinics are at Welwyn Surgery on a Thursday & Friday morning. Please contact the surgery to book an appointment.
In addition to the clinics at the surgery there are two drop-in antenatal clinics (no appointment necessary) at the following locations:
- Applecroft Childrens Centre (09:00 – 11:00), Applecroft School, Welwyn Garden City AL8 6UX
- Oaktree Centre (09:15 – 11:15), Holwell Road, Welwyn Garden City AL7 3RP
Childhood Immunisations
Immunisation clinics are run by our nursing team and are held twice a week. Please call the surgery to book an appointment if your child is due any vaccinations. Up to date information on the UK's National Vaccination Schedule can be found here.
Chronic Disease Management (e.g. coronary heart disease, asthma, COPD, diabetes etc.)
Our nursing team are qualified to perform chronic disease reviews, which are usually performed at least annually, but sometimes more frequently, often they coincide with a medication review. We may signpost you to fill out a form, so that the nursing team can triage how best to review your condition. Our nurses deal with different disease areas, so when booking the reception team will advise who is most suited to see you. We will send letters, text messages or a prescription message when your review is due and in some cases a blood test maybe required before your appointment.
Please ensure that when you attend for an appointment you bring your home monitorings/inhalers/blood glucose diary with you. This will ensure that we can holistically evaluate how your condition is being managed.
At the practice we are able to provide a whole range of contraceptive services, including coils and implants. If you would like to discuss your available options, please call to book an appointment with one of our nursing team alternatively you can attend a local family planning clinic. Details of the local clinics can be found here.
Cryotherapy (referral by doctor)
One of our nurses at the practice currently runs the Cryotherapy clinic, which runs approximately every 6-8 weeks depending on demand. We run a waiting list system which you are able to be added to once a GP has reviewed the skin lesion, to ensure that Cryotherapy is the most appropriate treatment. Commonly treated lesions include, warts & verrucas, skin tags and solar keratosis.
Please note that for warts & verrucas, you need to have been using over the counter treatments, which you can ask your local pharmacist about, for at least 3 months, before you will be considered for Cryotherapy.
Postnatal Mother & Baby Checks
Between 6-8 weeks after having a baby you will be offered a postnatal check, both for you and your baby. The appointment will be with a GP, where you can discuss all postnatal matters, both physically and emotionally and your baby will have a full development & wellbeing check.
Travel Vaccinations
Our nurses run and manage the travel clinic and we promote the use of our 'Virtual Travel Clinic' where you can provide us all the details about your trip and a nurse will respond with travel health advice and details on recommended vaccinations. Please see our 'Travel Health' page for further details.