Sick/Fit Note Certificates
Self Certification Sick/Fit Note for less than 7 days
If you have been ill for 7 days or less you don’t need to see a Doctor. You can complete a Self-Certification form yourself.
Many employers have their own self-certification forms. If your employer doesn’t have its own form you can download the Self Certification Form. Please print it, fill it in and hand it in to your employer. You do not need to see a Doctor.
Doctor’s Sick/Fit Note for more than 7 days
If you have been ill for more than 7 days you will need a doctor’s certificate. These certificates are called ‘Fitness to Work’ Certificates (fit note).
To request a fit note you can either complete an eConsult or call the surgery on 01438 715044 and select the automated service option. This will ask you to provide your details, the date you need the note to start, the duration and the reason you are unable to work.
A Doctor will then assess this and provide the fit note, often by text or email.
The receptionists are unable to process a fit note request so please use either eConsult or our automated telephone service.
Requesting an Additional Sick/Fit Note
To request an additional fit note you can either complete an eConsult or call the surgery on 01438 715044 and select the automated service option. This will ask you to provide your details, the date you need the note to start, the duration and the reason you are unable to work.
A Doctor will then assess this and provide the fit note, often by text or email.
The receptionists are unable to process a fit note request so please use either eConsult or our automated telephone service.