Patient Participation Group
Your PPG
Bridge Cottage Surgery Patient Participation Group have been working hard on behalf of the Surgery and its patients, including the following areas:
- PPG Communication board in reception
- Magazine articles on hot topics in local Welwyn, Datchworth and Kimpton Magazines
- A small group of PPG members have been working on cancer slides for surgeries
- Development of the Appointment flowchart (which you will find on this website under Appointments) to help patients understand the appointment booking system and who is most appropriate clinician to book
- Development of vPPG(Virtual) Group
- Networking with local practices to find best practice
- Engagement at Welwyn Street Market to encourage awareness of health care
- Development of new HealthWalk in Old Welwyn area
- Attending the surgery during opening hours promoting health awareness
- Regular monthly meet your PPG in reception area (postponed during COVID)
If you think you would like to be involved in the PPG please get in touch. We meet bi-monthly on a Monday morning between 10am - 11.30am.
For more information please call the Surgery on 01438 715044 and ask for Debbie.
Latest minutes PPG Minutes Nov 2019
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
PPG Minutes Jan 2020
29/09/2020PPG Minutes March 2020
29/09/2020Virtual Patient Paticipation Group (vPPG)
We are always interested in what our patients have to say. We like hearing your comments and suggestions and will, where possible, act upon them.
We are influenced by our patients and the government are encouraging patients to participate in how their health services are designed at practice level. We would like to sometimes invite you to complete surveys or seek your opinion on services and ideas that the surgery is considering.
The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.